Making the most of your 2017 CDP Climate Change response

CDP is an international nonprofit working to transform the way organizations respond to climate change issues and natural resource degradation. Backed by 827 institutional investors with $100 trillion in assets during the 2016 disclosure cycle, CDP holds the largest collection of voluntarily reported climate change, forest, and water data in the world, based on information requests sent to thousands of participants each year. CDP’s climate change program is the most prominent of its initiatives. Each year, CDP requests information on climate change policies and practices from the largest global companies: in 2016, approximately 1,100 companies responded to the CDP climate change questionnaire. This level of engagement by the world’s leading companies is recognition that stakeholders, and in particular investors, are focused on climate change as a business issue. This year, CDP Climate Change responses are due June 29th (CDP Water and Forests responses are also due June 29th). The reporting

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