After four years of reporting annual conflict minerals information to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, there is currently a great deal of discussion and activity focused on the U.S. Conflict Minerals Law. The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives recently passed bill H.R. 10 to repeal and replace the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (aka the Dodd-Frank Act) which includes the conflict minerals reporting requirements, Section 1502. To become law, the bill is required to go through the full legislative process which includes passing through the Senate. As of today, it is more probable that H.R. 10 will be divided up into a number of smaller bills that have a better chance of achieving bipartisan support for repeal of various portions of Dodd-Frank. Until action is taken, Dodd-Frank remains in effect and no date has been set for a vote in the Senate. Additionally on

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