Life Cycle Assessment and Materiality Assessment Part 2 – Setting up the study

In Part One of this blog series we covered what a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is and the importance of a materiality assessment. We will now explore some of the aspects that go into an LCA. We’ll work from the milk container example explored in Part One. Which is the most environmentally-friendly milk container option – a glass bottle, a plastic bottle or an aseptic pack? A life cycle carbon assessment of the three different materials discloses the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) associated with the production of the raw materials, plus the impacts of transportation and distribution. Unlike milk sold in plastic or glass, milk sold in aseptic packaging does not have to be refrigerated until it is opened. This means the use of aseptic packaging avoids the energy used to refrigerate transport trucks and the energy used in refrigerated grocery stores shelves. The rectangular aseptic packages also allow for more

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